Career & Technical Education (CTE)
What is CTE?Career and Technical Education (CTE) is made up of 16 cluster areas in which secondary students can gain knowledge, skills, and early post-secondary opportunities to better prepare for a career. CTE uses a variety of instructional methods including, but not limited to, hands-on and real workplace activities. Each CTE program offers an opportunity for showcasing skills, developing employable soft skills, and developing leadership through participation in a student organization.
Middle School Career ExplorationPrior to the end of their eighth grade year, students choose a high school program of study to guide their education. Through an Innovative School Models grant, Claiborne County has been able to increase career exploration in the seventh and eighth grades to give students and parents more opportunity to make an informed decision.
While in middle school, students complete the YouScience Aptitude and Career Discovery which takes into account a student’s aptitude and interests and offers a variety of careers for research which match those results. Using those results, the school counselor and a career coach work in conjunction with the administration to facilitate career exploration activities and learning.
For more information regarding middle school exploration and planning, contact the Claiborne County Northside Career Coach at elizabeth.wilson@claibornecsd.
The following link may be used to access Cumberland Gap High School's website for information about the high school's Career and Technical Education Programs of Study and student organizations.