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Back to School

Claiborne County students return to class on Wednesday, August. 7, 2024, and our teachers, school leaders and support staff are excited to begin the academic year!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the first day of classes for the 2024-25 school year?

The first day of classes will be Wednesday, August 7, 2024. This will be a full day for students.

What are the starting and dismissal times for my student’s school?

Starting 7:55

Dismissal 2:50

How can I register my student for school?

Students can register for school during Open House, Monday, August 5, 2024, 6:00-8:00, or on the first day of school.  A registration packet can be found here. 


How can I register my student if we live outside of the school district?

Students who live outside of the Livesay district, can fill out the open enrollment form. You will receive a call on August 9, 2024, if you have been accepted. 


When will student schedules and teacher assignments be available?

Student schedules and teacher assignments are available on the ASPEN Family Portal 

I’m having trouble logging in to Aspen. How can I get help?

For assistance with Aspen login issues, Mrs. Adams will be in her office starting 7/31. You can also email Mr. Hopper.  If you already have an account and need password help, please contact the district attendance office by email.

How will school and district messages be sent this year?

Claiborne County Schools uses Remind, social media, and Alert Now for school communication.

We encourage families to activate their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their settings for notifications. 

Will students have access to Chromebooks this year?

Students in grades 2-12 will be provided with Chromebooks.  Chromebook distribution will be coordinated by each school.


What supplies does my student need?

School supplies can be found here.

Where can I find meal schedules for my student?

Find meal information here. 

How do I find my student’s bus stop?

Find bus information here.