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Samantha Adams, Attendance Clerk

Attendance Matters All Day Every Day

Absences and tardies will impact students’  participation in extracurricular activities such as rewards, dances, and field trips. Students who accumulate three absences and/or three tardies in any nine-week grading period will not be permitted to participate in any extracurricular activities for the remainder of the nine weeks. Unforeseen circumstances such as a death in the family, student hospitalization, or student quarantine, may be taken into consideration. When students miss school (excused or unexcused), they cannot practice with athletics or play in any game on the day that is missed.

In order to meet the requirements for promotion and/or graduation, a student in Claiborne County Schools shall have an approved record of attendance. The parent/guardian is given access to the Aspen Student Portal, allowing him/her to monitor the student’s school attendance. Attendance is a key factor in student achievement, and therefore, students are expected to be present at school each day school is in session. Claiborne County Board of Education’s Attendance Policy 6.200 and Kindergarten Attendance Policy 6.2001 can be found at the links below:


You may request a paper copy of this policy from the school if needed. Please review this policy in-depth, discuss it with your child, and feel free to ask any questions for clarification. Absences shall be classified as either excused or unexcused as determined by the principal/designee. Excused absences shall include 1) personal illness/injury, 2) illness of immediate family member, 3) death in the family, 4) extreme weather conditions, 5) religious observances, 6) college visits, 7) pregnancy, 8) school sponsored or school endorsed activities, 9) summons, subpoena, or court order, or 10) circumstances which in the judgment of the principal create an emergency over which the student has no control.

Please note that all excuses must be turned in no later than three school days after returning to school. Students shall be present at least fifty percent (50%) of the school day in order to be counted present. A student who is absent five (5) days without adequate excuse shall be reported to the Director of School/designee who will, in turn, provide written notice to the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student’s absences. If a parent does not provide documentation within adequate time excusing those absences or request an attendance hearing, then the Director of Schools shall implement the progressive truancy plan described below prior to referral to juvenile court. The three-tiered progressive strategy will be used to provide for the provisions that are outlined in Tennessee Code Annotated 49-6-3007.

Tier I is initiated at 3 unexcused absences and will consist of the following:

  • Three day notification letter. The parent/guardian is notified that his/her student has three (3) unexcused absences. The names of these students are sent to the Director of Schools.

  • Conference with student and parent/legal guardian. A conference will be conducted in order to assess reasons why the student has been absent. The conference will include the principal or designee, parent/guardian, and the student.

  • A signed contract. The contract will include attendance expectations and penalties for continued absences. The contract is signed by parent(s)/guardian(s) and student and will be valid for a calendar year.

Tier II is initiated at 5 unexcused absences and will consist of the following:

  • Five-day notification letter. The parent/guardian is notified that his/her student has 5 unexcused absences and is considered truant. The names of these students are sent to the Director of Schools.

  • Individual Assessment. An individual assessment by a school employee of the reason(s) a student has been absent from school.

  • Referrals. A referral may be made for the family to have services in the home, such as, but not limited to Family Support Services (FSS).

  • Truancy Board Meeting. At 6 or more unexcused absences, the parent/guardian is scheduled for a meeting with Judge Estep’s Truancy Board to address ongoing attendance issues.

  • Attendance Contract. An attendance contract is signed by the parent/guardian and student, placing the student on one calendar year of attendance probation.

  • Tier III  is initiated by additional unexcused absences following the Attendance Contract and will consist of the following:

  • Notification of violation. The parent/guardian will be notified that the student is in violation of the Attendance Contract and is subject to a petition to Juvenile Court.

  • Petition to Juvenile Court. If absences remain unexcused, the child is petitioned to Juvenile Court.

  • Chronic Absenteeism

    The state of Tennessee defines chronic absenteeism as a student missing ten (10) percent or more of the days the student is enrolled for any reason, including excused absences and out-of-school suspensions. Chronic absenteeism is a part of school and district accountability. If 175-180 days of school are attended, ten percent would be 18 days. If snow days are missed and 165-174 days of school are attended, ten percent would be 17 days. If 155-164 school days are attended, 10 percent would be 16 days. Your child’s attendance is important for his/her academic and social success as well as the school’s and district’s accountability measures. When a student begin to reach the mark for chronic absenteeism (three absences within a nine week grading period), parents will receive a letter from the school principal to inform them of the amount of days missed and any scheduled activities that the student will not be permitted to attend for the remainder of the 9-week period. A letter will also be sent home each 9 weeks with students who are or are in danger of becoming chronically absent. Please make every effort for your child to be at school each day.

  • Juvenile Court. At the judge’s discretion, the parent/guardian may be fined; the student may be placed on probation and assess community services, and the family may be referred to the Department of Children’s Services.

Chronic Absenteeism

The state of Tennessee defines chronic absenteeism as a student missing ten (10) percent or more of the days the student is enrolled for any reason, including excused absences and out-of-school suspensions. Chronic absenteeism is a part of school and district accountability. If 175-180 days of school are attended, ten percent would be 18 days. If snow days are missed and 165-174 days of school are attended, ten percent would be 17 days. If 155-164 school days are attended, 10 percent would be 16 days. Your child’s attendance is important for his/her academic and social success as well as the school’s and district’s accountability measures. When a student begin to reach the mark for chronic absenteeism (three absences within a nine week grading period), parents will receive a letter from the school principal to inform them of the amount of days missed and any scheduled activities that the student will not be permitted to attend for the remainder of the 9-week period. A letter will also be sent home each 9 weeks with students who are or are in danger of becoming chronically absent. Please make every effort for your child to be at school each day.